
How To Join GTA V RP Servers?

GTA 5’s multiplayer section is a great place to get together with friends. There are many options, from racing to simple missions. With a little imagination, GTA 5’s multiplayer experience can be completely transformed.

After you finish the story mode, role-playing (RP), is one of the best ways to enjoy V. There are even players who buy the game just for the RP experience since it’s also been quite popular among Twitch streamers. You won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to interact with your favorite streamer during an RP session. However, you will need to channel your inner Di Caprio in order to stay.

To be in sync with the flow, you’ll need your heart. Many RP servers have their own rules and regulations that you must follow. You could be kicked out of the server or banned. The best servers are more difficult to access.

These are the top GTARP servers. Learn how to join them.

How do you join an RP Server in GTA?

It can be difficult to join an RP server, especially for newbies. Each server has its own mode, so you will need to download the appropriate mods to access it. You’ll need to download all required mods and third-party tools to access the RP server.

RageMP and FiveM are two of the most popular multiplayer modes. These tools allow players join dedicated servers that are tailored to their needs. You’ll need at minimum one of these to join a high-ranking RP server. To check if RageMP or FiveM is required, you will need to visit the server’s website. These programs allow you to search for servers of your choice, or you can go directly to their official websites and join them with their IP addresses.

To download FiveM:

  • Before installing FiveM, make sure your GTAV copy is current.
  • Navigate to FiveM’s official website.
  • Click on “Download client.”
  • After you click on Download, the terms of service will appear and you will need to accept them to continue.
  • Start the executable FiveM file.
  • It may take the launcher a while to update to the most recent version.
  • To avoid errors due to inconsistencies, make sure you install FiveM on the same drive as your GTA IV files.
  • FiveM will automatically locate your V installation after you have set it up. You can also manually choose.
  • After you have completed this process, FiveM will ask you permission to update your game cache. You’ll then need to give it time to complete setting it up.
  • After the installation, FiveM will be available for you to launch. You can also access the server list by clicking “Play.”

Install RageMP

  • Head over to RageMP’s official website
  • Run the installer to install RageMP on the exact same drive as your GTA copy.
  • After the installation is complete, you will see a list of servers on your screen. You can click on any server to join.
  • RageMP will not detect your V install. You’ll get an error message and be asked to select your installation folder manually before you can join a server.

What are the best RP server in GTA?


NoPixel hosts all the most prominent Twitch personalities. The server is frequented by shroud, PENTA and many other people. It’s the most popular RP server for those who want to role-play alongside their favorite content creators.

It’s not easy to get in, but it’s possible if you are whitelisted. Though the server stops taking more applications from time to time due to demand, you’ll Eclipse RP

Eclipse RP is another well-known name in the GTA RP community. Despite not finding many content creators on Eclipse RP’s streets, approval to the server will take some time due to the large number of applicants.

Eclipse RP hosts only 200 players at a given time and has the most clear guidelines. Eclipse RP’s forum is a great place to start. This forum will provide detailed information about all factions and roles that you can claim on the servers. It will help you to fit in quicker.

Family RP

The Family RP is a great option for those who want to have a more serious experience with role-playing. The Family RP is a more serious entry than other entries. It features role-players who are passionate about role-playing.

In order to connect your Steam, Discord and, optionally, your Twitch, you will need to create an application to the server. The Family RP offers many options, from joining a crime family or becoming a part a successful company.

GTA World

Although voice acting is an important factor in role-playing, it can be uncomfortable for some players to chat with strangers. You don’t need a microphone to join an RP server. Text-based RP servers such as GTA World are also available.

The server has more than 30 factions, and the production value of the server is sufficient to make GTA world a strong contender.

MafiaCity GTARP

MafiaCity GTA RP, another server that is well-organized, has almost everything covered. There are many options for your career and active factions. You have the option to become the most powerful criminal the server has ever seen, or you can save your life by fighting fires.

The RageMP hosts this server, which means that NPCs won’t be as important in the game. RageMP servers can eliminate all NPCs from the game to increase interaction between players.


It may take some time to get a response from most popular RP servers so you will need another way to practice your RP skills or pass the time. LucidCityRP does not have a better reputation than other servers.

LucidCityRP is more open to new players. It’s always full of new players, which can lead to some very interesting sights. LucidCityRP is great because everything can go wrong if someone decides to rogue.

This server features the core features of NoPixel, but it sweetens the pot by adding Cayo Perico from GTA Online.

These are the most well-known GTA servers, but there are still hidden gems. You don’t have to deal with applications so you can jump on a server with room and get right into the action.

These servers will also have rules, but few players will bother to read them. This, despite sounding terrible, increases the unpredictable nature of these servers and makes it a fun experience to join them.